Their unique gift of Protean allowed them to grow incredibly combat worthy claws and even escape situations by turning into mist.įans of the old TV Series Kindred: The Embraced often laughed at the Ventrue Prince performing the Gangrel’s trade secret of melding into the earth.
Many first time players gravitate to this clan for their undeniable combat prowess (I’ve seen 5 Tremere try to hacksaw a sleeping Gangrel in a bathtub and failed before.) For over a decade, Clan Gangrel has had a stigma of the power gamers clan. In V5, only Clan Gangrel made the cut (for now), and they represent the wandering solitary vampires with the unique gift of shape changing. There are two Clans in VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE that are the epitome of a classic vampire in legend.
If you’re as excited about it as we are, but aren’t familiar with the universe, here’s a crash course get you up to speed. By Night is diving into the Vampire: The Masquerade’s Fifth Edition and the World Of Darkness it resides in. Our RPG show, Vampire: The Masquerade – L.A. Twenty-seven years ago Vampire: The Masquerade was released in 1991, and it’s been through a few iterations thus far along its journey.